Submit a talk

The Manila.js community would be nothing if not for the people who share their stories.

Can I talk?

Yes you may! Everyone with a story to tell is welcome to share. No previous speaking experience is required. We’ll be happy to help you figure out your topic and presentation, too.

Choosing a topic

There is no limit to what a topic can be. All we ask is that you share something that a community of web developers would find interesting. Here are some suggestions:

What makes a good talk

Don’t talk about a technology, tell the story of what you did with that technology.

Nobody ever left a conference talk with enough information in their head to write a program from what they learned. For obvious practical reasons people learn and continue to follow documentation while writing software. Don’t try to teach people what is already in the documentation, tell them a story that makes them care enough to follow up with that technology.

Format & Audience

Talks are 20 minutes. There is will be a short Q&A after.

Submitting your talk

Email me with your topic and some bullet points on what you want to discuss. If you’re on the Phackers Slack, open up a discussion on #javascript.

Preparing for your talk

I’ve done a few and I’m always happy to help out… reach out to me (@rstacruz) anytime. I also recommend reading up on

These guidelines were based off of NodeConf EU’s call for papers document.